Roach Control
Delhi Pest Control offers roach control services. German cockroaches are the most common of the cockroach species. Not only are they found in the households, but they are found in restaurants and food processing facilities and a variety of other commercial areas. Preparations and a clean environment are essential in obtaining pest free results. Treatment techniques vary depending on the severity and environment.
Call Us: 513-451-1800

German cockroaches
German cockroaches are light brown to tan with two dark stripes located on their backs. They are oval shaped with six legs and antennae.

Brownbanded cockroaches
Brownbanded cockroaches are brown with pronounced banding across their wings.

American Cockroaches
American cockroaches are reddish brown with a yellow figure 8 pattern on the back of their head.

Oriental cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches are large very dark colored and shiny.
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